Established in 2019, Achieving Change Together Shasta (ACTS) provides transitional supportive housing program for 18 former foster care youth between the ages of 18-24 who live in Redding, CA. Youth live in apartments throughout Redding and may share an apartment with another ACTS participant. Each youth receive up to 24 months of housing and supportive services, including assistance in completing their high school diploma or GED and enrolling in college courses, and mental health services. This unique program helps youth acquire the life skills they need to become self-sufficient, and to grow and thrive into their adulthood.
Each participant creates obtainable goals with the support of the case manager, program team, and other supportive adults. The primary goal is to support residents in becoming financially independent, so the program focuses on employment and education. Residents are encouraged to utilize any services that support the achievement of these goals, such as employment assistance, mental health and/or drug and alcohol treatment. The program works creatively to meet each person's current needs and to reinforce individual strengths.
To qualify, the youth must have been in foster care immediately before turning 18, and have emancipated through the courts.
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